Enhance Indo - Qatar Trade & Professional Relations by Empowering Indian Businesses & Professionals.
To be the preferred platform to empower Indian Business Persons & Professionals by creating enrichment opportunities.
About IBPC
A non-profit organization and Apex body under the Embassy of India, IBPC provides a platform for Indian businesses and professionals to enhance Indo-Qatar trade and professional relations.
IBPC acts as a platform to introduce Indian businesses and professionals to opportunities that project their expertise and strengths in various disciplines for prospective alliances with business & trade organizations operating in Qatar.
It also aims to provide a reciprocal interface for business and trade organizations established in Qatar to explore business & networking opportunities in India.
Value Proposition
Provide a platform to Engage, Encourage and Empower professionals and businesses in India and Qatar. We create enrichment opportunities by organizing networking opportunities, events, exhibitions, maintaining digital platforms and catering to service requests.
IBPC roadmap to enhancement of Indo-Qatar professional and business relations is by empowerment of its members. Enhancement by empowerment is acheived by:
- Encouraging the community to step forward and participate in business and professional activities envisaged by the leadership of India and Qatar.
- Educating members through networking and development opportunities.
- Engagement between Indian and Qatari peers in different areas of mutual interest.
- Creating Enriched working environments where they are Empowered to build on opportunities offered by both countries.
- Empowered communities, we strongly believe will Enhance the levels and benefits of Indo-Qatar trade & professional relations.

How We Are Organised
Professional Members
The Indian community has the largest pool of professionals in Qatar. We look to Engage with this extremely qualified talent pool to cross learn, collaborate and empower each other through different IBPC events, activities and initiatives. If you are a Professional, join us in this journey of Enrichment.
Corporate Members
With over 6000 Indian companies in various sectors, supporting the Qatar success story, IBPC looks to create opportunities to further build on this strong foundation to enhance Indo Qatar business relations. As a Corporate entity, you can join us to take advantange of these opportunities.
IBPC Associated Organisations
To cater to the diverse range of professionals & business, IBPC encourages the creation of focused Associated Organizations (AOs) for Professionals and Corporates who share similar technical backgrounds or common business interests.
As an apex body operating under the Aegis of the Embassy of India, Qatar, IBPC has a governance model to reflect the professionalism and corporate structures required to delivery the IBPC Vision, Mission and Value Proposition.
Why join IBPC ?
Access a diverse group of professionals and businesspersons to create new opportunities and co-create ideal solutions.
It's not just WHO you know, It's who KNOWS YOU. Networking with IBPC is Powerful.
Strengthen your business or professional skills. Learn by doing. Become a Mentor or Mentee.
Gain access to member exclusive knowledge resources to help you grow your Business/Career.
Cross learning
Expand your view while interacting with industry experts and focus groups from different fields.
Shape your community
Volunteer and play your part as an ambassador of Brand INDIA in the business and professionals community of Qatar.
Benefit from increased positive perception and trust amongst the business community, professionals and decision makers.
Engage with members. Find the right referrals that you need.
Receive exclusive news on events and opportunities, making you an industry insider.
Have your voice heard as IBPC engages with stakeholders on behalf of the community’s professionals & businesspersons.
Connect with your target audience. Build your personal & business brand.
Patron - Ambassador of India. |
Coordinating Officer (COO) - Counsellor, Embassy of India. |
Board of Governors (BoG). |
Executive Committee (ExCom). |
Board of Governors
Executive Committee

Enables sharing of expertise, knowledge & business intelligence between businesses, professionals and other stakeholders.
IBPC is proud to have the following professional and business specific Associated Organizations (AOs) as part of the IBPC team !! We Encourage members of the community to Engage with the AOs of their interest.